Monday, March 2, 2015

Some of Samsung's Galaxy S6 software sends a mixed message about performance

Samsung boasts that the software on the Galaxy S6 has been pared back by as much as 37 percent. But a couple of new additions are raising eyebrows, and probably just taking up space.

I can remember sitting in more than one briefing for the latest Next Big Thing and being fairly overwhelmed by all the software features Samsung packs into its Galaxy S line. I'm pretty good at this smartphone stuff, but it was daunting. And has been so more than once So when we learned that Samsung was scaling back the software on the Galaxy S6, it was pretty much universally heralded as a good thing. Sometimes less is more.

But as we started to pore over the software, we started to notice a few things. And a couple press releases confirmed it. Samsung has teamed up with McAfee (erm, Intel Security) and Cheetah Mobile to make your phone safer. And faster. Or something.

Here's what's up with that.



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