Saturday, May 11, 2013

The Surface shines while Windows tablets wobble

The Surface tablet may not be crushing the competition with the vigor that Microsoft undoubtedly hoped it would. However, as compared to its third-party Windows tablet brethren, Surface is absolutely killing it—though Windows tablets still have a long road to travel before they're considered anything close to a success.

Between the Surface Pro and the Surface RT, Microsoft hardware comprised half of all Live Tile-sporting slates sold in the first quarter, according to a recent IDC report.

Microsoft moved 900,000 Surface tablets in total last quarter, with the business-friendly Surface Pro being a big chunk of those shipments. That may seem paltry when you consider that Apple and Samsung respectively moved 19.5 million and 8.8 million tablets in the same time frame, but according to IDC, those 900,000 Surface slates made Microsoft a top five tablet vendor mere months after entering the hardware arena, supplanting Barnes & Noble.

Not too shabby—though it probably says more about the state of the overall tablet market.

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